What’s a dental crown and can I get one in one appointment? A crown is a restoration that covers the entire tooth, which is required when teeth are damaged or decayed too much to place a filling or an onlay.
Sometimes referred to as caps, dental crowns are tooth-colored “jackets” that slide comfortably and tightly over injured, damaged, discolored, or cracked teeth. Dental crowns provide added strength and improve the overall health of your teeth while making your smile look more uniform and attractive.
Traditionally dental crowns were made off-site at a lab from a mold taken during the first dental appointment. This required patients to return after a few weeks for a second visit in order to have the newly made crown placed on the tooth. Thanks to Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics ( CEREC®), this is no longer the case. We are proud to offer CEREC® dental crowns at Dean Cosmetic Dentistry Instead of having to send the impression to a lab, the CEREC® dental crowns are created at our west Knoxville dental practice.
Crowns are indicated when tooth meets the following conditions:
- Large old fillings with decay.
- Fractured or cracked teeth.
- Teeth treated by root canals.
- To replace old gold crowns or crowns with open margins, metal showing, and decay.
- To restore a dental implant.
Dr Donnie Dean is extensively trained and highly skilled in CAD – CAM restorations with CEREC. CEREC is state of the art technology which allows us to complete treatment in one appointment, in most cases with no temporaries. These crowns will wear and feel like a natural tooth.
CEREC Crowns

Usually fabricated of ceramics, crowns restore broken teeth, teeth with large existing failed fillings, fractured teeth or teeth with extensive decay. Crowns are also placed on teeth that have previously been treated with a root canal help to prevent fracturing. These restorations are usually completed in approximately 90 minutes with no temporaries.
Crowns can make even the ugliest teeth look like a movie star smile and reflect light with a natural healthy glow.
What is CEREC?

CEREC means we can quickly and economically restore damaged teeth using a durable ceramic material that matches the natural color of other teeth in your mouth. CEREC is an acronym for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics.
What advantages does CEREC offer me?
First and foremost, the restoration is performed in a single session, usually in about one hour.
Second, the restoration is natural looking, and it is made of tooth-colored ceramic material. It’s metal-free–no silver fillings to discolor your smile! The ceramic material is compatible with tissue in your mouth and is high-grade, anti-abrasive and plaque-resistant. It allows us to be extremely precise and save more of the healthy part of your tooth.
The results are In about 90 minutes, no temporaries, no return visit to seat crown. Most of the appointment is fabricating the crown with our state of the art lab instruments. Digital technology gives us the capability of placing beautiful life like ceramic restorations in approximately 90 minutes.
www.deancosmeticdentistry.com 865-539-1119
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*Cerec -One Appointment Crowns
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