
What is a One Appointment Dental Crown?

May 14, 2017

Creek One Appointment CrownsWhat is a one appointment dental crown? Well first of all a dental crown is essentially a tooth-shaped protective dental cap that restores a tooth’s shape, size, strength and appearance, and fully encases the visible portion of the tooth that lies at or above the gum line. A crown can salvage a tooth that may otherwise have to be removed and replaced with a prosthesis. Therefore if one is recommended, you should not delay treatment. Some of the reasons that your dentist may recommend a crown are for:

A tooth after a root canal
A cracked or broken tooth
A very large filling that needs to be replaced
A weak tooth that may crack or break
An implant
An anchor tooth that supports a bridge

Dental crowns are made from various materials, including all-metal, porcelain-fused-to-metal, all-ceramic or porcelain, or resin. The material the crown is made of will dictate the length of time you may have to wait for it, whether or not you will need a temporary, as well as the cost.

Time is Valuable CEREC

We understand that with busy schedules, it is a huge inconvenience for people to face the need for two appointments in order to get a crown. Dean Cosmetic Dentistry  is please to provide . What is CEREC®? Chairside Economical Restorations of Esthetic Ceramic or ‘CEREC’ is a new state-of-the-art method of constructing tooth restorations using computer-assisted design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) to offer patients one-day restorations.

How CEREC Works

After taking a 3D digital image of your tooth, the dentist then designs the tooth with the aid of the CEREC software.

This eliminates the need for a gooey impression – which is a huge benefit for people with a sensitive gag reflex. Then Dr Dean matches the shade of your neighboring teeth, and utilizes the CEREC machine to mill a strong, beautiful restoration in about an hour. We will then place the crown during your same visit, and you will leave our office with a full, healthy smile.

Excellent, High Quality Results

Millions of patients worldwide have experienced the convenience of CEREC crowns. CEREC Blocs, the material from which the crowns are milled, are backed with over 20 years of research. They are an excellent, and durable restoration that you can trust.

Dr Donnie Dean is a CEREC Mentor training other dentist on this incredible technology. Call us today 865-539-1119


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*Cerec -One Appointment Crowns
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