
Knoxville Dentist Dean Cosmetic Dentistry and Some of our Services

Mar 31, 2017

Knoxville Dentist Dean Cosmetic Dentistry and Some of our Services.  And, these are just a few!!

 Dental implants


Dental implants are a great option to replace missing teeth.  An implant screw is placed in the jawbone and then is left for at least 3-6 months to allow the bone to fuse around the implant.  Then an implant crown can be made to attach to the implant.  The entire process is relatively painless and may result only in some temporary swelling immediately after the first procedure



If you are missing a large portion of a tooth due to a break or decay, a core and crown may be necessary to rebuild and cover the tooth to hold the remaining tooth structure together.  This process will consist of a single appointment.  We will buildup the broken/decayed tooth and fabricate a crown in-office using our CEREC CAD/CAM machine and in-office porcelain milling unit.  No more 2 appointment crowns and messing with temporary crowns.   One Appointment Crowns!!!  Because we know how valuable your time is.  It’s the latest technology for our patients.




Another option to replace a missing tooth would be a fixed bridge.  The procedure would involve shaping the teeth on each side of the missing tooth space for crowns, and then our dental lab would fabricate an additional porcelain tooth to fill in the space.

Composite Fillings

Composite Fillings

When removing decay or repairing small breaks of your teeth, we restore teeth with composite.  Composite is a tooth colored resin filling material.  This material is chosen over amalgam (silver) fillings because it is not a mixture of metals that can expand and contract and potentially result in fracturing of your tooth. Additionally, composite resin fillings are chemically bonded to your tooth which makes the tooth stronger.



There are many ways to make dentures and partials.  Our process involves trying in the denture or partial each step of the way to make sure you are happy with the fit and the look of the teeth before the denture is sent to the lab for final processing.  Adjustment appointments are common following a new denture to adjust any sore spots where the new denture may be rubbing on your tissues.

Tooth Whitening

Tooth Whitening

For patients wanting to improve the cosmetic appearance of their teeth we offer custom fit whitening trays and gel for you to wear in the comfort of your home.  This system offers the best way to get your teeth their brightest.


New Patients Welcome
*No Insurance?  No Problem ask us about A Plan For Health
*Cerec -One Appointment Crowns
“Over 25 years of great relationships.” 🙂😆

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