Dean Çosmetic Dentistry is Now Offering Enhanced Oral Cancer Screenings
We are thrilled to now offer oral cancer screenings using Oral-ID, a state-of-the-art cancer screening device that can help identify the first signs of oral cancer before they can be seen by the human eye.
Dean Cosmetic Dentistry has joined forces with Forward Science, the manufacturer of OralID™, and became a provider of the ID For Life™Program to promote early detection and public awareness of oral cancer in the office. Dr Dean is now offering enhanced oral cancer screenings during scheduled appointments to new and current patients.
Oral Cancer – It’s Not New!
Oral Cancer is not a rare disease and unfortunately it is on the rise. This year, approximately 45,780 will be diagnosed with oral cancer in the United States alone. Due to late stage discovery, one American dies every hour from oral cancer.
This technology uses an oral cancer screening device, Oral ID, in efforts to discover oral cancers in their earliest stages. We now know, 63% of oral cancers are found in late stages (stage III, IV), resulting in a 5-year survival rate of less than 50%. Finding these abnormalities in much earlier stages can increase the 5-year survival rate up to 80-90%.
Those interested in receiving an oral cancer screening or learning more about our advanced technology implemented
at Dean Cosmetic Dentistry contact our office at (865-539-1119) and ask about our OralID screenings, or
visit our website at
No Rinses, No Dyes, No More Excuses.
OralID uses a proven, optically based technology called, “fluorescence technology.” OralID’s fluorescence technology uses a blue light (435–460 nm) that allows a clinician to identify oral cancer, pre-cancer and other abnormal lesions at an earlier stage, thus saving lives. The medical applications of fluorescence technology includes diagnosis of the GI tract, cervix, lung, skin and oral mucosa. 865-539-1119
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